
  • Can I download videos and watch offline?

    Yes. you can purchase physical products or digital downloads. Navigate to any product in the K-House online store, and you will see various format options available for purchase.
  • Video Player menu

    Note: Some controls may not be available on all devices and browsers. Note: some functions may only be available if you have a free Vimeo account.
  • Can I change the video playback speed?

    Our On-Demand videos playback at a set speed, although you may be able to change the playback speed with a third-party browser plug-in. We have found that by using the Google Chrome plugin Vimeo repeat & speed, you can make the video play slower or faster for example. Please note: Koinonia ...
  • Do I have a streaming limit?

    No. As long as you have one of our on-demand plans, you can stream as much as you like, as many times as you like.
  • Do you have anything Free that I can stream On Demand?

    Yes. We have a selection of on demand products available for free on KHouse.tv here. You may also be interested in some of our other free content: Free Membership to our online learning center, Koinonia Institute, here... Free Content on our Store here... Free Content on our Youtube Channel her...
  • I don’t have, or I don't want to use PayPal. Can I use my Credit Card?

    You can use EITHER your Credit card, or Paypal to purchase our Premium KI Membership Plan. You can manage your existing Premium KI Membership Add-on by using the "Manage Membership Plans" link in your store account area. You can cancel, renew and update payment details.
  • Video is not playing, all I see is "This is Private"

    If you are signed into the store and see a "This is private" warning in the video window like this while trying to stream a video: This is most commonly caused by using some form of web browser script or privacy blocker, or blacklisted VPNs. The streaming service needs to verify that you have ...
  • Can I upload your videos to YouTube

    In short, no. It's illegal to pirate or upload material online into the public domain that either do not own the copyright, or have not been given permission by the original publisher (which is also against YouTube's own Terms by the way, see below). You may have purchased a DVD, video, digital f...
  • My KI Premium Addon expired, can I renew?

    Yes, you can purchase another month access from your store account area. Go to your account > KI & In-Store On-Demand Status. Be aware, that we plan to discontinue the in-store on-demand late 2024, in favour of our new KHouse.tv service.