General Questions

  • What is your mission statement?

    To create, develop, and distribute materials to stimulate, encourage, and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.
  • What's happening with the ministry now that Chuck Missler passed away?

    Although we miss Chuck Missler greatly (Chuck passed away in May 2018), Koinonia House is still functioning as normal. Chuck actually retired in the beginning of 2017, and we are continuing to produce more Biblical resources, and make them more accessible.
  • What is a Workbook?

    A Workbook is a study companion for a related study. Our Commentary workbooks contain key Power Point Slides used in the presentation, with an area for you to take notes (see preview below). Although each session in the presentation contains over 100 slides, we only include about 30 per session ...
  • What is the difference between a Workbook and a Handbook?

    A Workbook is a study companion, may contain key Power Point Slides used in a study, with an area for you to take notes (see pictured below of our Commentary Workbook - left). A Handbook is the study notes of a particular study (sometimes referred to as Supplemental Notes, PDF Study Notes or PDF...
  • What is the different between a commentary Comprehensive Workbook and a Commentary Workbook?

    They are the same content, just different covers. Over the years, several labels were use which can be confusing, so we have now standardized these as "Commentary Workbook." As workbooks run out of stock and are re-printed, they will be updated with new covers. Many old covers may say "Comprehen...
  • Printing the PDF Notes/Handbooks

    Although you can print our PDF notes (handbooks) as separate pages, you can print the notes double sided, print 2 pages up on letter (or A4) or even as a booklet, if your printer supports it. (Click here to download instructions) Print the notes as single pages Open the PDF file in Acrobat Read...
  • I prefer the old Comb/Spiral Bound Handbooks, can I still get those?

    We plan to have all our handbooks commercially printed, instead of the old comb-bound format printed in-house. This is so we can keep the handbooks at an affordable price. Should you want the old comb bound format, there are a couple of possible options: You can print the handbook PDF, and punc...
  • What is the difference between Audio and Audiobook products?

    As the name suggests, audiobooks are voice recordings of the text of a book that you listen to rather than read. Audiobooks can be exact word-for-word versions of books (unabridged) or abridged versions. The difference between abridged and un-abridged is the length of the book. An abridged audio...
  • Is there a way to subscribe so I can listen and watch Chuck Misslers' commentaries?

    Yes. Go over to our steaming service,, where you can watch free material, or purchase a premium streaming plan.
  • Do you have any materials in Spanish or other languages?

    Yes, there is a selection here that may contain other languages as Audio (voice-over), written, or Subtitles.
  • How can I get permission to post K-House articles on my own web site?

    We freely allow other sites to post our articles, as long as: The author is credited. A link is made to the Koinonia House web site, even to the source article on our site. The article is not edited. If any typos are found in the article to be posted, please contact us and notify us of the artic...
  • May I print out, or make copies of K-House articles for the benefit of my own Bible study / Sunday school?

    Yes, as long as they are not being used commercially for resale in any product.
  • What is SoundCloud?

    Founded in 2007, SoundCloud is the world’s largest online audio distribution platform and music sharing website. We use SoundCloud for our audio delivery. More information on SoundCloud here. Visit the Koinonia SoundCloud channel here.
  • What happened with the PersonalUPDATE News Journal Print Edition?

    We have discontinued the printed version of our PersonalUDPATE News Journal. The April, 2020 Issue was the last PersonalUPDATE to be printed. ThePersonalUDPATEwill continue to be published digitally, which you can still get for free by subscribing to our mailing list, reading online or as a dow...
  • Why can't I find the Signs in the Heavens study?

    After further review of the source material used for the Signs in the Heavens briefing package, Chuck Missler decided to remove this item as he no longer felt the information was in keeping with his latest view of this subject. Unfortunately Chuck retired, before this product could be updated.
  • What happened to the K-House weekly eNews?

    Regrettably after much consideration, we permanently terminated our weekly eNews in November, 2020. Koinonia House is not a news organization and it had become increasingly time-consuming, which was taking us away from our primary mission, which is "To create, develop, and distribute materials to...
  • Why can I not find The Distant Thunders in your store?

    Koinonia House is not the producer nor publisher of The Distant Thunders. There has been some confusion about this product and it's content, so here are some clarifications: This product does not contain Chuck Missler's last interview, nor his last interview on prophecy (before his death): Chuc...
  • Why are there some Commentary Handbooks missing? Shouldn't there be 66 books?

    Some of Chuck's commentaries combine books for the Bible into one commentary (e.g. Kings 1 & 2 in one study, Ezra & Nehemiah, and The Prophets of the Post Exile: Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi), resulting in 44 Commentaries. Therefore, as commentary handbooks have notes for the entire corr...